Constant Prayer

     How grateful should we be for the privileges which Christ has gained for us in opening heaven before us. What hope does it give to man that the Father said to Christ, who represented humanity, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." In the Father's acceptance of Christ in man's behalf, we are assured that through the merits of his Son, we may find access to God. We may be accepted in the Beloved. Jesus, the world's Redeemer; has opened the way so that the most sinful, the most needy, the most oppressed and despised, may find access to God, may have a home in the mansions that Jesus has gone to prepare for those who love Him.     

     In a vision Jacob beheld a mystic ladder reaching from earth to heaven, on which were angels ascending and descending, and from the throne of God the glory of heaven streamed down. This ladder represented Jesus, the appointed medium of communication between man and God. Had He not by his humanity bridged the gulf of separation that sin had made between God and his people, the angels could never have been ministering spirits to communicate with fallen man; but through Christ man in his weakness and helplessness is connected with the source of infinite power.     

     Jesus lived a life of prayer; after toiling all day, preaching to the ignorant, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, raising the dead, feeding the multitudes, evening after evening He went away from the confusion of the city, and in some retired place, poured forth supplication to his Father with strong crying and tears. At times the bright beams of the moon shone upon his bowed form, and again clouds and darkness shut away all light. While bowed in the attitude of a suppliant, the dew and the frost of night rested upon Him. He frequently continued his petitions through the entire night. If the Saviour of men felt the need of prayer in our behalf, how much more should feeble, sinful mortals feel the necessity of prayer--fervent, constant prayer--on their own account!     

     "It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord." Jesus sought earnestly for strength from his Father. He regarded communication with God more essential than his daily food. He has given us evidence that in order to contend successfully with the powers of darkness, and to do the work allotted to us to perform, we must live in communion with God. Our own strength is weakness, but that which God gives will make every one who attains it more than conquerors. The continued, earnest prayer of faith will bring us light and strength to withstand the fierce assaults of the enemy. The light and strength of one day will not be sufficient for the trials and conflicts of the next. Satan is now constantly changing his temptations, as he did with Christ. Every day we may be placed in new positions, and may have to meet new and unexpected temptations. It is as consistent to expect to be sustained today by food we ate yesterday as to depend upon present light and present blessings for tomorrow's success. Weak and sinful man cannot be safe unless God shall daily manifest his light and impart to him his strength. 

BEcho, February 1, 1893